New Injector Pump Bearings for TDI Pumps. Notice that there are 2 bearings that are not the same size.
If your pump shaft has play in it, new bearings will solve your problem.
Part Numbers: 1 460 400 310 (large), 1 460 400 014 (small).
Fits 20mm Driveshafts.
Scroll down for more detailed compatibility information.
Part Number: TDIPUMPBEAR 1460400310 1460400014
Weight: 0.1
Price: $23.00
Short Product Description:
TDI Injector Pump Bearing Set (Small and Large)
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Detailed Compatibility Data For This Part: Although a reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the compatibility data, we are not responsible for any errors in the vehicle compatibility data. Please contact a sales associate for more detailed information.
Version G
| Feedback For This Part: | Date: 6/6/2013 Name: Ron R. from Kingsport, TN USA
Fine |
Alternative Part Numbers for this item: TDI PUM PBEAR , 146 040 0310 1460400014, TDI PUM PBE AR , 146 040 031 0 1460400014, TDIPUMPBEAR, 1460400310, 1460400014, TDIPUMPBEAR, 1460400310, 1460400014
Description: TDI Injector Pump Bearing Set (Small and Large)
Price: $23.00