100 Blue Female Spade Crimp Solderless Wiring Terminal (Quantity of 100). The Blue Connector is for 14-16 Gauge Wire
Scroll down for more detailed compatibility information.
Part Number: ROT000942L BlueFemaleSpade
Weight: 0.5
Price: $4.00
Short Product Description:
100 of ROT000942L Blue Female Spade Terminals
Quantity to Add:

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Detailed Compatibility Data For This Part:
Version G
Alternative Part Numbers for this item: ROT 000 942L , Blu eFe maleSpade, ROT 000 942 L , Blu eFe mal eSpade, ROT000942L, BlueFemaleSpade, ROT000942L, BlueFemaleSpade
Description: 100 of ROT000942L Blue Female Spade Terminals
Price: $4.00