New Left Ball Joint for 98-07 Beetle, 99-07 Golf, 99-12 Jetta. Fits 1.8T, 2.0, TDI and VR6.
This Part was manufactured by a factory that is a supplier to an international VW Car Factory. This qualifies the part is an OEM Part (Original Equipment Manufacturer) for the VW group.
Scroll down for more detailed compatibility information.
Part Number: 1J0407365C 1J0407365D 1J0407365A 1J0407365B 1J0407365H 1J0407365CS 1J0407365AS
Weight: 2
Price: $12.00
Short Product Description:
1J0407365C Ball Joint (OEM Part)
Quantity to Add:

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Detailed Compatibility Data For This Part: Although a reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the compatibility data, we are not responsible for any errors in the vehicle compatibility data. Please contact a sales associate for more detailed information.
Models: 2002-2005 VW New Beetle 02 2002 03 2003 04 2004 05 2005(front)
Part Description: guide joint
Extra Description: left Quantity on Car: 1
Models: 2006-2010 VW New Beetle 06 2006 07 2007 08 2008 09 2009 10 2010(front)
Part Description: F >> 1C-7-514 245*
Models: 2003-2005 VW New Beetle Convertible (front)
Models: 2006-2008 VW New Beetle Convertible (front)
Part Description: F >> 1Y-7-415 246*
Models: 2009-2010 VW New Beetle Convertible (front)
Part Description: F >> 1C-7-514 245*
Models: 1999-2001 VW Golf (Made in Germany) 99 1999 00 2000 01 2001(front AEG AFP ALH (Diesel) AWD)
Models: 1999-2001 VW Jetta (Made in Mexico) (front AEG ALH (Diesel) AFP AWD AWW AZG AVH)
Models: 2002-2005 VW Jetta (Made in Mexico) (front)
Models: 2001 VW Jetta Wagon (Variant) (front AZG AVH AFP)
Models: 2002 VW Jetta Wagon (Variant) (front front drive+ AWP AZG AVH AFP ALH (Diesel))
Models: 2003 - 2006 VW Jetta Wagon (front fr.wheeldrv AZG,AVH,AWP,AFP,ALH,BEV,BEW)
Models: 2000 - 2001 VW Golf (Made in Brazil) (front fr.wheel drv AEG ALH (Diesel) AWD AWW AFP AZG AVH)
Part Description: guide joint
Models: 2002-2003 VW Golf (Made in Brazil) (front front drive+ AVH ALH (Diesel) BDF AWP BEW (Diesel) BEV)
(front front drive+ PR-E2K)
Models: 2004-2007 VW Golf (Made in Brazil) (front front drive+ AVH ALH (Diesel) BDF AWP BEW (Diesel) BEV)
(front front drive+ PR-E2K)
Models: 2008-2013 VW Golf (Made in Brazil) 11 2011 12 2012 13 2013(front front drive+ BEV)
Models: 1998-2001 VW New Beetle 98 1998 (front AEG ALH (Diesel) APH AVH AZG AWV)
Part Description: guide joint
Models: 2006-2010 VW New Beetle (front)
Part Description: F 1C-7-514 246>>*
Models: 2006-2008 VW New Beetle Convertible (front)
Part Description: F 1Y-7-415 247>>*
Models: 2009-2010 VW New Beetle Convertible (front)
Part Description: F 1C-7-514 246>>*
Version G
Fits Volkswagen Cars. | Feedback For This Part: | Date: 5/31/2013 Name: Jerome B. from Freeport, NY usa
As expected great prices good products | | Date: 5/20/2014 Name: Kamar M. from Philadelphia, PA USA
Large inventory. | | Date: 5/21/2014 Name: John B. from granville, ma usa
Part fit well. | | Date: 2/10/2015 Name: Ken C. from Muskegon, Mi USA
Nice item at a great price! | | Date: 2/11/2015 Name: Martin S. from Salt Lake City, utah United States
The part worked great! |
Alternative Part Numbers for this item: 1J0 407 365C , 1J0 407 365D 1J0407365A , 1J0 407 365B 1J0407365H 1J0407365CS , 1J0 407 365AS, 1J0 407 365 C , 1J0 407 365 D 1J0407365A , 1J0 407 365 B 1J0407365H 1J0407365CS , 1J0 407 365 AS, 1J0407365C, 1J0407365D, 1J0407365A, 1J0407365B, 1J040736, 1J0407365C, 1J0407365D, 1J0407365A, 1J0407365B, 1J0407365H, 1J0407365CS, 1J0407365AS
Description: 1J0407365C Ball Joint (OEM Part)
Price: $12.00