VW 171798105 $4 VW Clutch Cable Attaching Pieces Cabrio Golf Jetta Rabbit Scirocco <

New Clutch Cable to Transmission Attaching Pieces for 79-86 Cabrio, 85-86 Golf, 79-89 Jetta, 75-84 Rabbit, 74-89 Scirocco. Fits Gas and Diesel Cars.

Scroll down for more detailed compatibility information.

Part Number: 171798105 020141701A 171721303 171721301 171721305 020141701
Weight: 0.2
Price: $4.00
Short Product Description:

171798105 Clutch Cable Attach

Quantity to Add:

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Detailed Compatibility Data For This Part:

Although a reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the compatibility data, we are not responsible for any errors in the vehicle compatibility data. Please contact a sales associate for more detailed information.

Models: 1979-1980 VW Cabrio
79 1979 80 1980()
Part Description: 1 set of attachment parts for clutch cable
Extra Description: 1.5/1.6 Liter
Quantity on Car: 1

Models: 1981 VW Cabrio

Models: 1982-1983 VW Cabrio
82 1982 83 1983(MANUAL TRANSMISSION)

Extra Description: 1.5-1.8 Liter

Models: 1984-1993 VW Cabrio
84 1984 85 1985 86 1986 87 1987 88 1988 89 1989 90 1990 91 1991 92 1992 93 1993(MANUAL TRANSMISSION)

Models: 1985-1986 VW Golf (Made in USA)

Models: 1979-1980 Jetta (Made in Germany)
1.5/1.6 Liter

Models: 1981 VW Jetta (Made in Germany)

Models: 1982-1984 VW Jetta (Made in Germany)
1.5-1.8 Liter

Models: 1985 VW Jetta (Made in Germany)
1.6/1.8 Liter

Models: 1986 VW Jetta (Made in Germany)

Models: 1987 VW Jetta (Made in Germany)
1.8 Liter

Models: 1988 VW Jetta (Made in Germany)

Models: 1989 VW Jetta (Made in Germany)

Models: 1975-1976 VW Rabbit (Made in Germany)
75 1975 76 1976()

Quantity on Car: X


Models: 1977-1978 VW Rabbit (Made in Germany)
77 1977 78 1978(rear)
Part Description: F 178 3012 011>> F 538 2002 580>>
Quantity on Car: 1 1

Part Description: discontinued / replacement: 171 798 105



Models: 1979-1980 VW Rabbit (Made in Germany)
Part Description: 1 set of attachment parts for clutch cable 1.5/1.6 Liter
Quantity on Car: 1

Models: 1979-1980 VW Rabbit (Made in USA)

Models: 1981-1982 VW Rabbit (Made in USA)

Models: 1983-1984 VW Rabbit (Made in USA)

Models: 1974-1976 VW Scirocco
1974 ()

Quantity on Car: X

1974 ()

Models: 1977-1978 VW Scirocco
(manual transmission)
Part Description: discontinued / replacement: 171 798 105

(manual transmission)

(manual transmission)

(manual transmission)
Part Description: 1 set of attachment parts for clutch cable F 178 3012 011>> F 538 2002 580>>
Quantity on Car: 1 1

Models: 1979-1980 VW Scirocco
Part Description: 1 set of attachment parts for clutch cable 1.5/1.6 Liter
Quantity on Car: 1

Models: 1981 VW Scirocco
(manual transmission)

(manual transmission)

Models: 1982-1983 VW Scirocco
1.5-1.8 Liter

Models: 1984-1989 VW Scirocco

Models: 1979-1980 VW Pickup

Models: 1981-1982 VW Pickup

Models: 1983-1984 VW Pickup

Version G

Fits Volkswagen Cars.

Feedback For This Part:

Date: 6/2/2013 Name: Justin S. from ROME, GA US

New engine build, workings so far at 450mi
Date: 6/18/2013 Name: Donald H. from Miramar, FL

Date: 9/13/2014 Name: Eric S. from Van Nuys, Ca. United States

Great Product, for a great price. I do not know how you do it Pete but hopefully you will be in business for a long time to come.
Date: 2/29/2016 Name: Mohammed H. from Las Vegas, Nv United States


Alternative Part Numbers for this item: 171 798 105 , 020 141 701A , 171 721 303 171721301 , 171 721 305 020141701, 171 798 105 , 020 141 701 A , 171 721 303 171721301 , 171 721 305 020141701, 171798105, 020141701A, 171721303, 171721301, 171721305, 020141701, 171798105, 020141701A, 171721303, 171721301, 171721305, 020141701

Description: 171798105 Clutch Cable Attach
Price: $4.00