Rebuilt Injector Pump for 1992 - 1994 Eurovan/Transporter. All the seals on the pump have been replaced and the pump is thoroughly tested. Anything has gone bad is replaced. The feed pump is tested and the output pressure of the rotor is tested.
This Part was manufactured by a factory that is a supplier to an international VW Car Factory. This qualifies the part is an OEM Part (Original Equipment Manufacturer) for the VW group.
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Part Number: 0460485029 0460485024 074130108M 074130108S
Weight: 18
Price: $320.00 plus $150 Core Charge
Short Product Description:
Rebuilt 2.4 AAB Injector Pump
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Detailed Compatibility Data For This Part:
Version G
Alternative Part Numbers for this item:
Description: Rebuilt 2.4 AAB Injector Pump
Price: $320.00 plus 150 Core Charge