New Lock Cylinder Set with keys for Door Handle, Rear Flap, Ignition Starter Switch and Glove Box for 99-07 Golf 2 Door.
Fits Gas and TDI Models.
This Part was manufactured by a factory that is a supplier to an international VW Car Factory. This qualifies the part is an OEM Part (Original Equipment Manufacturer) for the VW group.
Scroll down for more detailed compatibility information.
Part Number: 1J6800375FN 1J6800375GG
Weight: 3
Price: $129.00
Short Product Description:
1J6800375FN Lock Set (OEM Part)
Quantity to Add:

Models: 2004 VW Golf R32 GTI (Made in Germany)
04 2004(sedan PPR-K8G+4F1 4K3)
Part Description: 1 lock cylinder set for door handle rear flap ignition starter switch and glove box lid F 1J-3-450 001>>*for vehicles with: associated item/items to be used as necessary:
Extra Description: PR-4K3 40+43
Quantity on Car: 1 1
Version G
Fits Volkswagen Cars.
Alternative Part Numbers for this item: 1J6 800 375FN , 1J6 800 375GG, 1J6 800 375 FN , 1J6 800 375 GG, 1J6800375FN, 1J6800375GG, 1J6800375FN, 1J6800375GG
Description: 1J6800375FN Lock Set (OEM Part)
Price: $129.00