New Track Control Arm for Front Suspension for 98-11 Beetle, 98-11 Golf, 98-11 Jetta. Fits Right or Left. Fits Gas and TDI.
Scroll down for more detailed compatibility information.
Part Number: 1J0407151C 6R0407151
Weight: 8
Price: $21.00
Short Product Description:
1J0407151C Track Control Arm
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Detailed Compatibility Data For This Part: Although a reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the compatibility data, we are not responsible for any errors in the vehicle compatibility data. Please contact a sales associate for more detailed information.
Models: 1998-2001 VW New Beetle 98 1998 99 1999 00 2000 01 2001(front AEG ALH (Diesel) APH AVH AZG AWV)
Part Description: track control arm
Quantity on Car: 2
Models: 2002-2005 VW New Beetle 02 2002 03 2003 04 2004 05 2005(front)
Models: 2006-2010 VW New Beetle 06 2006 07 2007 08 2008 09 2009 10 2010(front)
Models: 2003-2005 VW New Beetle Convertible (front)
Models: 2006-2008 VW New Beetle Convertible (front)
Models: 2009-2010 VW New Beetle Convertible (front)
Models: 1999-2001 VW Golf (Made in Germany) (front AEG AFP ALH (Diesel) AWD)
Models: 2000 - 2001 VW Golf (Made in Brazil) (front fr.wheel drv AEG ALH (Diesel) AWD AWW AFP AZG AVH)
Models: 2002-2003 VW Golf (Made in Brazil) (front front drive+ AVH ALH (Diesel) BDF AWP BEW (Diesel) BEV)
(front front drive+ PR-E2K)
Models: 2004-2007 VW Golf (Made in Brazil) (front front drive+ AVH ALH (Diesel) BDF AWP BEW (Diesel) BEV)
(front front drive+ PR-E2K)
Models: 2008-2013 VW Golf (Made in Brazil) 11 2011 12 2012 13 2013(front front drive+ BEV)
Models: 1999-2001 VW Jetta (Made in Mexico) (front AEG ALH (Diesel) AFP AWD AWW AZG AVH)
Models: 2002-2005 VW Jetta (Made in Mexico) (front)
Models: 2001 VW Jetta Wagon (Variant) (front AZG AVH AFP)
Models: 2002 VW Jetta Wagon (Variant) (front front drive+ AWP AZG AVH AFP ALH (Diesel))
Models: 2003 - 2006 VW Jetta Wagon (front fr.wheeldrv AZG,AVH,AWP,AFP,ALH,BEV,BEW)
Version G
Fits Volkswagen Cars. | Feedback For This Part: | Date: 5/30/2013 Name: Daniel T. from Hemet, CA usa
worked fine no complaints | | Date: 5/31/2013 Name: Jerome B. from Freeport, NY usa
Parts as expected | | Date: 8/2/2013 Name: David Ca. from plainfield, nj usa
Great product. | | Date: 8/16/2013 Name: Man T. from Walnut, California USA
Good. | | Date: 5/20/2014 Name: Kamar M. from Philadelphia, PA USA
AAA +++ | | Date: 5/21/2014 Name: RICHIES G. from MICKLETON, NJ USA
Installed and worked with no problems. | | Date: 5/21/2014 Name: John B. from granville, ma usa
Part fit well. | | Date: 2/10/2015 Name: Roger P. from Howell, Michigan United States
Great part and a good fit. |
Alternative Part Numbers for this item: 1J0 407 151C , 6R0 407 151, 1J0 407 151 C , 6R0 407 151 , 1J0407151C, 6R0407151, 1J0407151C, 6R0407151
Description: 1J0407151C Track Control Arm
Price: $21.00