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New exhaust ring and C-clamp. This ring gasket goes between the manifold and the downpipe, or between the turbo's cast downpipe and the muffler downpipe.
Fits New Exhaust Ring Gasket and C-Clamps for 79-93 Cabrio, 92-97 Eurovan, 85-92 Golf, 79-92 Jetta, 79-84 Rabbit, 79-89 Scirocco.
Scroll down for more detailed compatibility information.
Part Number: 161298115 191298115 533298115
Weight: 1
Price: $8.00
Short Product Description:
191298115 Exhaust Ring and C Clamps
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Alternative Part Numbers for this item: 161 298 115 , 191 298 115 533298115, 161 298 115 , 191 298 115 533298115, 161298115, 191298115, 533298115, 161298115, 191298115, 533298115
Description: 191298115 Exhaust Ring and C Clamps
Price: $8.00