New Standard Size Crankshaft (Main) Bearing Set for 79-93 Cabrio, 85-86 Golf, 79-84 Jetta, 82-85 Quantum, 75-84 Rabbit, 74-89 Scirocco, 80-85 Vanagon, 80-87 Audi 4000. Fits Gas and 1.6 Diesel Engines.
This includes the set of 8 crankshaft bearings and the set of 2 thrust bearings.
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Part Number: 056198491 068198491. 056105561B.
Weight: 1
Price: $14.00
Short Product Description:
068198491 Crankshaft Bearings Standard Size Set of 8 with 056198491 Thrust Bearing Set of 2
Quantity to Add:

Alternative Part Numbers for this item: 056 198 491 , 068 198 491. , 056 105 561B., 056 198 491 , 06 819 849 1. , 056 105 561 , 056198491, , 068198491., 056105561B., 056198491, , 068198491., 056105561B.