Rebuilt Diesel High Pressure Fuel Pump for 17-19 GM Chevy Silverado Denali Sierra 2500 3500 6.6.
This Part was manufactured by a factory that is a supplier to an international VW Car Factory. This qualifies the part is an OEM Part (Original Equipment Manufacturer) for the VW group.
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Part Number: 12678993
Weight: 8
Price: $349.00 plus $150 Core Charge
Short Product Description:
Rebuilt Denso 12678995 High Pressure Fuel Pump
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Detailed Compatibility Data For This Part: Although a reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the compatibility data, we are not responsible for any errors in the vehicle compatibility data. Please contact a sales associate for more detailed information.
Version G
| Feedback For This Part: | Date: 9/9/2014 Name: Michael M. from Sullivan, IL USA
The turbo works good, works just like a new one. |
Alternative Part Numbers for this item:
Description: Rebuilt Denso 12678995 High Pressure Fuel Pump
Price: $349.00 plus 150 Core Charge