New Turbocharger Cartridge for 2.0T Engines. Fits the turbochargers with the part numbers listed.
Normally, when your turbo starts leaking oil, replacing the cartridge will solve the problem.
The cartridge has been balanced at the factory and is ready to install.
If you have an IHI turbo, this cartridge will not work.
Scroll down for more detailed compatibility information.
Part Number: 06J145701T 06J145713A 06D145701J 06D145701JX 06D145701G 06D145701GX 06J145713D 06J145713F 06J145713FX 06H145702R 06H145702S 06J145701XX
Weight: 7
Price: $189.00
Short Product Description:
06J145701XX 2.0T Turbocharger Cartridge
Quantity to Add:

Alternative Part Numbers for this item: 06J 145 701T , 06J 145 713A 06D145701J , 06D 145 701JX 06D145701G , 06D 145 701GX 06J145713D 06J145713F , 06J 145 713FX 06H145702R 06H145702S 06J145701XX, 06J 145 701 T , 06J 145 713 A 06D145701J , 06D 145 701 JX 06D145701G , 06D 145 701 GX 06J1457, 06J145701T, 06J145713A, 06D145701J, 06D145701JX, 06D145701G, 06D145701GX, 06J145713D, 06J145713F, 06J145713FX, 06H145702R, 06H145702S, 06J145701XX