New Cylinder Head Front Coolant Flange for 2.0 Gas Engines for 95-02 Cabrio, 93-99 Golf, 93-99 Jetta, 95-97 Passat 2.0. Might not fit cars with automatic transmission. Check picture before ordering.
This Part was manufactured by a factory that is a supplier for a supplier for an international VW Car Factory. This is considered a Tier 2 OEM Manufacturer.
Scroll down for more detailed compatibility information.
Part Number: 037121144H
Weight: 0.3
Price: $4.00
Short Product Description:
037121144H Coolant Flange
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Alternative Part Numbers for this item: 037 121 144H, 037 121 144 H, 037121144H, 037121144H
Description: 037121144H Coolant Flange
Price: $4.00